A special thanks to JIM PIETROWSKI, our guest coordinator, for all your hard work!

Episode 101824

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome former Major League Baseball pitcher, Randy Lerch. Randy had a stellar career including his September 30, 1978 two home runs in a 10-8 win that clinched the National League East division championship for the Philadelphia Phillies. Randy had many ups and downs in his career including an amphetamine scandal that rocked the team. Also, Randy developed Cirrhosis of the liver. Today, Randy speaks nationwide about his career and the addiction that caused his condition. A down to earth guy with a fabulous story.

Episode 101124

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Steve and Denise Leckerman. The Leckermans endured an unthinkable tragedy when their daughter Leigh was killed by a drunk driver 21 years ago. The Leckermans, both in recovery, have dedicated their lives by creating the Leigh Leckerman Foundation which educates and raises money to help those in addiction achieve sobriety.

Episode 100424

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund discuss relapse. What does that mean? So you are in recovery and a doctor prescribes medication that you know is dangerous for you and you take it anyway because a medical person prescribed it to you. Is that a relapse? Your back hurts and you ask the doctor for a prescription and you start taking it under the pretense that you actually need it. Is that a slip?? You go to a party and everyone is drinking and your co-workers put the pressure on you to take a drink, but you only take a sip…did you relapse? If you do indeed relapse, who do you tell and who do you not tell? We explore the answers.

Episode 092724

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio we spotlight GAUDENZIA ADDICTION TREATMENT & RECOVERY SERVICES. One of the longest operating rehabs on the East Coast, Gaudenzia has one of the most complete and comprehensive treatment and support services to people with substance use disorder, mental health issues, and related conditions. Our guests are Phillip Moore, D.O. medical director and Warren W. Roy, M.H.S. We always say that treatment is available and Gaudenzia is certainly one of those resources that should be considered when help is needed.

Episode 092024

On this episode of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome friend of the show Jackie Febus. From the streets of Camden New Jersey, to living a clean and serene life, Jackie was in and out of correctional facilities over 40 times while ripping and running on the streets for over 15 years. Fighting through multiple relapses and homelessness, she is celebrating 5 years clean this month. Jackie is living proof that we can and do recover.

Episode 091324

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome John Alite to the program. Alite was an mobster who turned government witness and in 2008 testified against John Gotti. After a lifetime of violent criminal activities including multiple murders, he is now a motivational speaker and a voice against fentanyl use which his daughter Chelsea took unwittingly and died. Alite’s story is unbelievable but true.

Episode 090624

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the show David L. The discussion: How has your life changed since you got into recovery and what would your life look like now if you were still abusing drugs and alcohol? What or who do you give credit to for your sobriety? And who if anyone do you blame for your active addiction?

Episode 082324

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the show, Stephen Sussman. Stephen is the identical twin of David Sussman who was a regular guest on the show and occasional cohost. Sadly David, who had been clean and sober for fifteen years, passed away four years ago from an ongoing illness. Gary grew up with the Sussman boys. David was a fast friend, Stephen hung with another crowd. Gary and David became addicts, Stephen became a world recognized scholar in the education field, a philanthropist, and sits on many international boards. The underlying question is, does genetics play any role in addiction? Some say yes, some say no. Stephen provides some interesting information on the subject. An interesting show full of memories and insight.

Episode 081624

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome friends of the show Linda E. and Frank B. to discuss a very basic question, is there really only one way into recovery? Do you have to go to AA or NA meetings to get clean? Do you have to agree with all of the information found in the “Big Book?” Do you have to believe in God or even a higher power to get clean and stay clean? Great questions for which there are many correct answers! What works for you?

Episode 080924

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Jackie Febus. From the streets of Camden New Jersey, to living clean and serene, Jackie was in and out of correctional facilities over 40 times while ripping and running on the streets for 15 years. Fighting through multiple relapses and homelessness, she is celebrating 5 years clean and sober in September. Jackie is living proof that women do recover and inspire others to do the same!

Episode 080224

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome former District Attorney of Philadelphia, Seth Williams. Seth was the first African-American district attorney in Philadelphia and in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He was an attorney with a stellar career up until he was indicted on March 17, 2017 on 23 counts of bribery, extortion and fraud. He was sentenced 5 years and did under three, but that’s not the end of the story. Seth has had an amazing life experience. He openly talks about what happened, the role addiction played in his life and what he is doing now. We all deserve a second chance. Seth is making his count!

Episode 072624

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund discuss the reality of seasonal challenges in sobriety. It can be a real challenge during the summer months whether you have one month clean or 10 years clean, this time of the year presents many distractions that can challenge your sobriety. Outdoor get togethers, the weather, parties, and just a feeling of bliss can trigger you. The key is to be careful and if you think it would not be smart to go to a certain gathering…DON’T GO !

Episode 071924

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the show David L to discuss honesty. The AA and NA programs are based on honesty, but how honest are we really? Just because we have put down the booze and the drugs, doesn’t necessarily mean that we put down the deception. Do we always tell the truth? Are we honest about certain medications that we should or should not use? When asked an uncomfortable question, do we always give a completely honest answer? Let’s be honest, no one is completely honest. In our addiction, honesty was a foreign concept. Now it is always something to work on. What is your experience?

Episode 071224

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund return after a break and are joined by Linda E. to talk about relationships. Relationships are always difficult whether with your family, employers, or folks that you work with. Are these relationships easier in recovery compared to when we were in our active addictions? Maybe not! What have you experienced?

Episode 060724

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Zachary Miers. Zachary was admittedly a “party animal” in college. His desire to be the life of the party lead him down the path to addition. He remembers he was always “that guy” who went too far. His journey was a difficult one, from being a functional addict with an unhealthy dose of denial, to full out opioid addiction after an injury, followed by plenty of prescriptions. But we do get better! Now Zachary is a clinical counselor. He has been through hell but did not give up and instead worked hard to be in a position to help others. Zach is giving back. Listen to find out how he reached his goal and found purpose.

Episode 053124

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund tackle an interesting topic – awkward moments in sobriety. You are in a restaurant and you see someone who you thought was in recovery with a glass of wine in front of them. You are on a first date and your date is pressuring you to celebrate with an alcoholic beverage. You are standing in line at a pharmacy and the person that you see in meetings is picking up narcotics. What would you do? These are just a few of what could be uncomfortable situations in your life in sobriety. Would you say anything or not? Don’t miss this thought provoking episode!

Episode 052424

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome friend of the show, Gary Lewis. Gary is founder of the 60’s-70’s Pop Band, “Gary Lewis and the Playboys.” Gary also happens to be the son of comedian Jerry Lewis. Gary grew up in one of the most famous Hollywood families, but, with all of the privileges, money, and fame surrounding him, he still could not avoid a very serious drug and alcohol addiction. Now, with 21 years in sobriety, Gary is still touring, clean and sober. We have a very candid discussion with him about the ups and downs of the life in the midst of the rich and famous.

Episode 051024

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome two outstanding guests. Their first guest is Mike Brill. Mike is a Master’s Level Board Certified Trauma professional and licensed counselor in Pennsylvania. In recovery for over 16 years, Mike knows and understands addiction and the devastation it causes. They also welcomed Magisterial District Judge, Andrea Duffy. Andrea is the founder of the organization DARA (The Drug Addiction Resource Alliance). This organization educates the public about addiction and so much more. She explains the upcoming annual event and how to get involved with her organization. Two great guests providing great service to the community.

Episode 050324

How many times did you go to rehab? Once, twice, maybe three times? On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Sherri B. Sherri went through twelve rehabs. Yes, twelve. It does not matter how many programs you went to as long as you finally get sober. Sherri has now been in recovery for 16 years and sits on several boards at the Caron Foundation, one of the most recognized treatment centers in America. We do get better, We do make a difference. We can live beautiful and productive lives once we put down the alcohol and the drugs. You can’t miss Sherri’s story.

Episode 042624

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Eddie K. Do you know anyone who has been in recovery for over 50 years? We can all relate to thinking one day of sobriety would be impossible. Eddie K has been clean and sober for over five decades! He talks about his journey during the past half century.

Episode 041924

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the program Linda E. to discuss a difficult subject. Are we responsible in some way for causing our child’s addiction? Are we responsible for their success or failure in recovery? Should we be held liable if our child gets themselves involved in the legal system because of their addiction? To what degree do we tolerate their behavior and at what point do we employ tough love? The more we discuss it the more realize that one size does not fit all.

Episode 041224

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by Delaware County Pennsylvania District Attorney, Jack Stollsheimer. Jack has significantly reduced crime by almost 60% in Delaware County. He was one of the first District Attorneys to endorse “LETI” Law Enforcement Treatment Initiative, a program that encourages law enforcement to steer defendants of some offenses to treatment instead of incarceration. Jack has always been a supporter of the recovery community and understands addiction. He is now running for the office of Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This is the top legal position in every state. The state needs him and so does the recovery community.

Episode 040524

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund lead a discussion about how our lives have changed since we decided to get into sobriety. Everyday is not a picnic, but it sure beats living a life of addiction and all of the horrors that are associated with it. The transition is not easy, but the clarity is worth all the work.

Episode 0302924

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler is joined by guest cohost Linda E. They welcome friend of the show, Pennsylvania Magisterial Judge, Christopher Mattox to the program. Judge Mattox has sat on the bench for over two decades. In most states, the first encounter a defendant has in the legal system is a Magisterial Judge. Judge Mattox understands addiction. He understands the devastation that addiction causes to not only the individual but to the families and their community. He takes all of this into consideration when rendering a fair and empathetic decision on a case.

Episode 0302224

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by Larry M to talk about making amends. Do you only try to make amends when we are new in recovery? Do we continue to make amends when we say or do something to someone that is not right? Who should we make amends to and who should we not make amends to? We know that step 9 in the program suggests, we make amends whenever possible except when to do so would injure them or others. Who makes that decision?

Episode 0301524

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome heavyweight boxing champion, Gerry Cooney to the program. With 31 professional fights and a record of 24 knockouts, 3 by decision, Gerry was considered the hardest puncher in boxing history. But, the biggest knockout was his addiction in 1987. You can hear his whole story in this episode.

Episode 030824

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler, and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Winifred Wilson Mason. You might know her husband, Rock legend, Dave Mason. Winifred travels with Dave on all his concert stops. She teaches yoga on the tours. Winifred is also an author and most importantly she is in long term sobriety. It’s a great behind the scenes account of life on the road with a Rock legend.

Episode 030124

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the show Marc Willig. Our question: who shouldn’t you tell that you are in recovery? Your current employer? Maybe a future employer. Maybe a new significant other. When is it safe to tell and when is it not?

Episode 0022324

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome David L and Lou M. to the program. Our discussion, where did you get sober? Was it in an inpatient rehab? Was it in an inpatient facility? Was it at home? Was it in the “rooms?” Or, was it in jail? We each share our journeys to sobriety. There is more than one path to success!

Episode 0021624

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by Linda E. for an open discussion about the subjects of addiction and recovery. They discuss the latest in addition and recovery news. They share information and opinions from both professional and personal perspectives as they apply their knowledge of the disease from their combined decades of experience.

Episode 0020924

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Dr. Jeff F., a dentist and medical doctor who specializes in Otolaryngology ( ears, nose, and throat ). Dr. Jeff openly talks his journey through addiction as a student and as a young practicing doctor. Even though he accomplished educational success and status in the community, his path has taken him through a dangerous journey of addiction and a rewarding life of sobriety. Addiction has no boundaries, but it can be defeated to live a happy and productive life.

Episode 0020224

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friends Frank Breitman and John Logue to discuss the pathway from addiction to sobriety and living a clean and sober life. Who needs rehab when they are suffering from addiction? More importantly, who wants to go to treatment? Does everyone benefit from treatment? Does it matter if you go into outpatient or inpatient treatment? Why not just go to AA or NA meetings? How do you know what course of action to take that would give you the best chance of success? Everyone has a different path. They discuss it all.

Episode 012624

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund discuss all sorts of interesting subjects relating to addiction. We know that our audience may not always agree with us and occasionally Gary and Mark do not agree with each another. But, at the end of the show when they are walking out of the studio, Gary and Mark agree on one thing, and that is, no matter how the show went, they did their best and remain good friends.

Episode 011224

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the show David L. to discuss why some of us make it (meaning get and stay in recovery) and some of us do not? Are we smarter? Are we more determined? Are we more focused? What makes someone succeed? Is there an answer?

Episode 010524

On this first edition of Clean and Sober Radio for 2024, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund share the studio with Frank B. and David L. to discuss resolutions for the New Year and the emotional demons that challenge our path in recovery. What are your new year’s resolutions and what is your strategy to keep them?

Episode 122923

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio – it is the end of another year! Join host Gary Hendler and cohosts Mark Sigmund and Linda E for a retrospective view of 2023. How did we all do? First of all, did you stay in sobriety? Did you act responsibly? Were you kind and compassionate to others? We are also joined by family and friends from the radio station who we are privileged to know and who share in our mission. Wishing all a happy, healthy, and SOBER New Year!

Episode 122223

Need some support and tips to help you through the holidays? On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio we are having our holiday meeting! Yes, it is the holiday season and in recovery we can finally enjoy our family and friends without being intoxicated. But, there are potential and dangerous situations during this time of the year. Are we strong enough and wise enough to avoid toxic gatherings? Let’s talk about the good and the bad of this time of the year.

Episode 121523

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome friend of the show Bill Stauffer. Bill is the Executive Director of Pennsylvania Recovery Organization Alliance (Pro-A). Pro-A is a state organization credited for being one of Pennsylvania’s most effective organizations designed to advocate for the still suffering addicts and alcoholics in need of mental health and addiction treatment. Bill is an effective and determined voice for our community’s well being on both state and national levels. In long term recovery himself, Bill is certainly an example that we can and do recover.

Episode 120823

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome back to the show David Uosikkinen. David is the drummer for the internationally recognized Rock n Roll band the HOOTERS. Besides being an outstanding drummer, David is also an entrepreneur and very proficient in musical technology. But, his career with the Hooters was almost cut short because of his substance abuse. Now, clean and sober for years, he shares his story with honesty and gratitude. He says we can’t do it alone.

Episode 112423

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and guest cohost Linda Elkins welcome Magisterial District Judge, Andrea Duffy. Among the many tribulations in addiction is the threat of a DUI. Is it better to go in front of a judge, the police and the prosecutor during the holiday season than any other time of year? You might be surprised at the answer. Judge Duffy has been on the bench for 15 years. She is knowledgeable, compassionate, fair, and extremely tuned in to our recovery community.

Episode 111723

The holiday season is upon us and we in recovery know that this time of the year can be dangerous for our community. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the show Linda E for a frank discussion about navigating the holiday season. Our focus is on suggestions about how to avoid any uncomfortable or dangerous situations that could mess up our hard earned sobriety.

Episode 111023

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is attorney Kevin Hyer. Kevin is an example of giving back to the community after overdosing and nearly dying in 2020. He is so committed to helping those in recovery that he started a foundation called “The Hyer Calling”. This foundation is based on the premise that all men and women in recovery deserve a second chance. Kevin and his organization provide the identity and purpose which only a career can offer. We need to feel productive after years of addiction with no purpose.

Episode 110323

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Montgomery County Pennsylvania Commissioner, Jamila Winder. Commissioners in many counties are the CEOs of their county government. County Commissioners are incredibly important and powerful. They can turn great ideas into laws, policies, and programs. Commissioner Winder understands addiction because the disease of addiction is in her own family. She has the compassion and understanding of addiction and has been instrumental and will continue to be an advocate for our community. She is an example of how the government can work for the community.

Episode 102723

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund take on the affects addition can have on the entire family. If you have ever had a family member in an active addiction, then you know the damage that addiction causes to the whole family. In your active addiction, did you realize or even care about the implications that your substance abuse was having on your family? Our guest is a women who lived the majority of her life with a brother who was in an addiction. He finally got clean but the damage was done. Family members can be traumatized forever.

Episode 102023

If only there were a resource for all things recovery. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome guests who are working to provide such a service. ALL SOBER is an exciting new platform which provides everything you need for treatment, recovery, and a sober life — all in one place. We are joined by All Sober Founder and CEO, Flora Nicholas and President and COO, Geoff Botak, who explain how ALL SOBER is being developed to provide support throughout the entire journey to sobriety. Geoff also happens to be the CEO of the Malvern Institute one of the leading and original recovery centers in America.

Episode 101323

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund have the perfect guest the day after the Philadelphia Phillies won the NLDS against the Atlanta Braves. Their guest is friend of the show and former Phillies pitcher Rand Lerch who played on the Phillies 1980 World Series team. Randy was a pitcher for the Phillies in the late 70s and early 80s. But then, in the midst of a great career he was enmeshed in an amphetamine scandal with the team. Years of drinking and pills caused Randy to be diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver 2016. Thankfully, Randy is now in long term sobriety and involved in many great causes.

Episode 100623

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is friend of the show, Ricky Byrd. Ricky was the lead guitarist and backup vocalist with Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. He has shared the stage with the greatest musicians such as Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Joe Walsh, Steven Van Zandt and many many others. Ricky was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2015. But his biggest accomplishment is his 36 years of sobriety and all that he gives back.

Episode 092923

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund planned to talk to long time friend of the show Ricky Byrd, former lead guitarist and vocalist with Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Unfortunately severe weather on the east coast flooded Ricky’s basement and understandably he had other things to deal with on a Friday afternoon. Not to be discouraged, Gary and Mark carry on with an open discussion about coping with addiction, recovery and in this case, adversity, in sobriety. Gary and Mark provide a wonderful hour of comfort and compassion for anyone needing a boost in their journey of sobriety.

Episode 092223

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guests are Brandi Ernst, Chief Impact Officer of Gaudenzia Treatment and Recovery Services, and Pat Ciarrocchi, public speaker and famed broadcast journalist, who serves on the Board of Gaudzenia. We are also joined by Kristen Paris who shares her inspiring journey into recovery and what a relationship with Gaudenzia means to her. Started over 55 years ago in Philadelphia, Gaudenzia Treatment and Recovery Services is one of the largest non-profit substance use and co-occurring disorders treatment providers in the northeastern United States. They have been around for decades because their treatment works. More than 350,000 folks have been saved by going to this facility. If you or a loved one is considering getting help for your addiction, check out this show for more information.

Episode 091523

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome bluesman Curtis Salgado, an Oregon state based blues, rock, and blue-eyed soul singer-songwriter. He had some story to tell! Curtis is an incredible musician who has played with such notables as Santana, Steve Miller and his act was the inspiration behind John Belushi’s creation of the Blues Brothers. But, after being put on pain killers after a gallstone attack, Curtis became addicted and through further medical examination, it was discovered that he had stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver and needed a transplant. 35 years in recovery, Curtis has beaten the odds and is living a clean and sober musical life!

Episode 090823

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Mary Beth O’Connor, the author of the book, “Junkie to Judge.” Mary Beth is a retired federal judge who at an early age experienced untold trauma caused by a home full of violence. This led to years of methamphetamine abuse. So, how did she become a federal judge?? Listen to find out.

Episode 090123

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and guest co-host Linda E’s guests are Rachel B and Anthony B from Pro-Act. Pro-Act is an organization in southeast Pennsylvania that fights to reduce the stigma of addiction, to ensure the availability of adequate treatment and recovery services, and to influence public opinion and policy. Tune in to learn about the importance of having an organization like this in our community.

Episode 081823

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Steve Forzato. With over three decades of experience in law enforcement at many levels, Steve is an expert on the opioid epidemic. He has served as a consultant to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s investigation of pharmaceutical manufacturers and oversaw investigations involving unlawful prescribing of drugs. Steve has taken his decades of experience and is now the Director of the new Center for Addiction and Recovery Education at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia where he is working with law enforcement to be sensitive to the complexity of addiction and to realize that we cannot incarcerate our way out of the drug crisis in this country.

Episode 081123

Addiction shows no mercy even to the most powerful members of society. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome the former District Attorney of the 4th largest city in the country. Seth Williams was DA in Philadelphia from 2010 until 2017 when he was indicted on 23 counts of bribery, extortion, and fraud and served over 2 and 1/2 years in prison. Many of us who were convicted of crimes had a choice – to learn from the experience, or not. Seth learned lessons and taught lessons, giving back to the community for many years now. His story is one of circumstantially bad decisions – known and unknown – loss of reputation, and freedom. The important lesson here is that we can and do recover from addiction.

Episode 080423

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Linda E to discuss what is on our listeners’ minds. The phone lines were open and we had a treasure trove of emails to discuss the various aspects of navigating the journey from addiction to sobriety. The initial question: Who should you listen to as you begin your journey?

Episode 072823

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by Davie L. to discuss what is expected of us when we get into sobriety, because nothing was expected of us during our addiction. Early in our recovery some people were still suspect of us and were hesitant to give us a chance, a job, or a second look. Is there anything that we could have done to prove to others that we were and are worthy people?

Episode 072123

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome David L. David began his criminal activities at a very young age. He was incarcerated with one escape charge for multiple crimes including robbery, assault, and a laundry list of drug offenses. Although he grew up in a privileged home, we all know that addiction has no boundaries. Now clean and sober for 42 years, David has weathered the storm of addiction and crime to become a responsible, caring and “giving back” member of society. He is an example of what you can become when you put down the alcohol and drugs.

Episode 071423

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler is joined by Linda E., Frank B., and Beverly T, to discuss what happens after getting clean and sober. The question is, now that you are in recovery, are you doing anything to help others in an active addiction to get clean or into recovery. Are you supporting these folks so that they can maintain their sobriety? Our panel discusses their varied approaches to service in sobriety.

Episode 070723

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler is joined by guest cohost Linda E and friend of the show Beverly, to openly discuss their journey from addiction to sobriety. It is a transformative process that can affect and change relationships with family and friends for the good! Were there good times? Sure, but if you let the tape play to the end, the realization that addiction leads to a path of destruction soon becomes reality. We are living clean, sober, and healthy lives, thanks to some help from our friends.

Episode 063023

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the show Frank Breitman to discuss navigating the dangerous times for many of us in recovery and the 4th of July long weekend. Summer is here and the weather is very conducive to all sorts of outdoor activities including large groups together, music, food, and of course alcohol. The temptation for some of us can be overwhelming to resist joining others in the consumption of alcohol and drugs. We discuss knowing our triggers and having an exit plan if confronted with a dangerous situation.

Episode 062323

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Brandon Novak, once a nationally ranked professional skateboarder and a star of the hit TV series “Jackass.” With years of incarceration and rehabs, Brandon made a decision to get into recovery in 2015. From a life of fame, destructive behavior, and addiction, Brandon is now a motivational speaker, author, and owner of a rehabilitation center and recovery houses. Yes we do recover and we do give back. An amazing story.

Episode 061623

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome nationally recognized radio talk show host Randall Jefferson. Randall holds a wealth of knowledge on so many subjects. We discuss addiction and recovery in the Black community. Yes, addiction is addiction but there are differences in the ways that different groups handle the problem. It’s great to have Randall join us and to learn different perspectives on this subject.

Episode 060923

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friend of the show, Linda E and LPC therapist, Amy Moulton. Our discussion surrounds the experience women have in addition and recovery that can be quite different than that of a man. These issues are very real. What have you encountered in your journey?

Episode 060223

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, Linda E. joins host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund to discuss some underlying issues with addition which may continue in sobriety. You have now stopped poisoning your body with drugs and alcohol and decided to get into recovery. Do you actually think that your body has not experienced short term, long term and most likely some type of permanent damage? It most likely has. We discuss the issues that your addiction has caused and might continue even after you have stopped using.

Episode 052623

Does anyone really know what causes addiction? On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Dr. Charles Trigiani, a Board Certified Psychiatrist. Dr. Trigiani has decades of experience focusing on addiction and brain chemistry. He enlightens us to the science of psychiatry and the complexity of addiction.

Episode 051923

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Gary Lewis, son of comedian Jerry Lewis and founder of the extremely successful Rock n Roll band “Gary Lewis and the Playboys.” We all know that no family is perfect and often what a family appears to be, is not always the reality. Gary’s family, although very famous and rich, had its secrets. We discuss what it was like to grow up in his family and more importantly talk about his addiction and his 20 year anniversary in recovery on May 20th, 2023.

Episode 051223

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, after a few weeks off he crew is back and ready to deliver fabulous, informative, entertaining, and thought provoking shows! Adversities and setbacks actually occur even in recovery. We all know that, but it is how we handle situations that don’t go our way that is the test. The goal is to handle these situations differently than we did in our addiction. A thought provoking program.

Episode 041423

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome friend of the show Linda E. to discuss some interesting opinions about approaching recovery. Do you have to go to a rehab to get into recovery? Do you have to go to AA or NA meetings to stop using and get into recovery? Do you have to believe in God or in a higher power to get into recovery? What are the answers? Does anyone really know?

Episode 040723

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and guest cohost Linda E. welcome friend of the program, Magisterial District Judge, Christopher R. Mattox. After you are arrested, your next interaction in the legal system will most likely be in front of a Magisterial District Judge. Judge Mattox explains the process going forward regarding your case and what to expect. Addiction puts many of us in this predicament. Get help before it’s too late.

Episode 032423

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and co-host Mark Sigmund welcome friend of the show Ricky Byrd. Ricky is a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee. He is a guitar player, singer, songwriter and producer who was formerly with Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, but is a prolific musician in his own right. He has been in long term recovery and has an incredible story of fame and recovery.

Episode 031723

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and co-host Mark Sigmund talk to a mother about the death of her 25 year old daughter, Christina Marie Gribbin, from Fentanyl poisoning after which she found in a suitcase on the streets in the Kensington section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2020. This unspeakable tragedy has brought unimaginable pain and suffering to this family. Mother, Tammy Leslie, has turned pain into purpose by helping to organize many state Attorneys General, attempting to create laws that would charge dealers of Fentanyl as terrorists against our nation.

Episode 031023

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by Linda E. to discuss the broad range of ways addiction is presented and misrepresented in our society. Our first issue: Can Addiction Be A Defense In a Criminal Proceeding? The recent, infamous, case of Alex Murdaugh, who falsely attempted to use opioid addiction as a defense in his murder trial is discussed. Beyond that, what can possibly be done in this country to reduce the destruction from Fentanyl? We have a spirited discussion about potential options.

Episode 030323

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Vernon Steed. Vernon grew up in a family of heroin addicted parents which set him on a course of criminal behavior. That led him to commit an accidental homicide as a juvenile. He was sentenced to life in prison for first degree murder. After a Supreme Court ruling in 2012 that banned life to juvenile offenders, Vernon Steed was set free after 32 years in 2018. During his incarceration, Vernon completed many programs as a model inmate and continues today to help those in re-entry programs lead productive lives.

Episode 022423

Have you ever robbed a bank? Have you ever been shot seven times? Have you ever spent years in prison? On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome friend of the show Nolen Burchett. Nolen is the definition of second chances and redemption. Nolen experienced all of the above and is now the executive director of one of California’s largest recovery centers called “Touchstone.” We can and do recover.

Episode 021723

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Mark D. Mark shares his journey from addiction to recovery – a far too familiar story of an increased dependence on substance abuse, feeling in control at first, and finally realizing that he had lost control of his life. A real person with a real story about addiction and the devastation that can be caused by alcohol and drug abuse. Mark is now clean and sober and living life to its fullest in recovery. His story is relatable for many of us, a cautionary tale for some, and inspirational for us all as we strive to live one day at a time.

Episode 021023

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Randy “The Blaze” Lerch. Randy, as you might remember, was an MLB pro baseball pitcher with the Philadelphia Phillies, Milwaukee Brewers, Montreal Expos and the San Francisco Giants. An above average hitter, Randy hit two home runs in a single game to clinch the National League East Division Championship for the Phillies in 1978. But fame and talent came at a price. Randy was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver because of his addiction to alcohol and other substances. He is now an author and speaker on the subject of addiction.

Episode 020323

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are the guests! Regular guest and friend of the show Linda Elkins reverses roles and becomes host, turning the table, interviewing Gary and Mark about their journey from addiction to sobriety. It’s a funny, serious, and informative discussion about how Gary and Mark survived their addictions and how they have maintained their sobriety with 60 plus years between them.

Episode 012723

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome friend of the show, defense attorney Zachary Cooper. Attorney Cooper specializes in representing folks who get DUI charges as a result of driving under the influence. We do not condone driving impaired in any way. Attorney Cooper educates and informs us on the law. Remember, driving impaired, even if you have a medical marijuana card, is ILLEGAL and under certain circumstances, you can go to jail.

Episode 012023

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund talk with friend of the show Brian Cuban. You may have guessed it, Brian is brother of Mark Cuban owner of the Dallas Mavericks, star of Shark Tank, and other endeavors. Brian is a star in his own right. In long term recovery, he is an author, a motivational speaker, an attorney, and is totally committed to helping those achieve sobriety.

Episode 011323

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, Host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund meet Robert K., a 40 year old guy who grew up in the Kensington area of Philadelphia, an area now ravaged with 24 hour outdoor drug activities. He was kicked out of his house at the age of 8 years old. Yes, you read that correctly, Robert lived with many families and also on the streets. Now, a union carpenter and the owner of 13 recovery houses, this is an amazing success story. We can and do recover.

Episode 010623

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund welcome Sammy Salsa. His story is one of extreme criminal activities including, armed robbery, assault, auto theft, and drug sales. With years in prison behind him, the real headline of his story is that he has been clean and sober for over a decade and is a contributing member of society. Proof we all need a second chance.

Episode 123022

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and co-host Mark Sigmund are joined by Linda E and Mark W for a roundtable discussion about our past year in sobriety. How did we do? Were we able to stay clean and sober and conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects our commitment to acting and behaving responsibly, respectfully, honestly and in a way to set a good example for others? A time to reflect back and look forward to a life that is clean and sober.

Episode 121622

Kensington, a section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which is “Ground Zero” in the United States for a community ravaged by people addicted to heroin and fentanyl, who are actively engaging in this horrific lifestyle outdoors 24 hours a day. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guests are Lieutenant Bill Stahl and Captain Tabitha Boyle from the Philadelphia Fire Department. The Department has a program called the Alternative Response Unit that is involved in helping those folks struggling with addiction to get the treatment they need, when they need it.

Episode 120922

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund talk with John Alite, John was the enforcer for the Gambino Crime Family and later the star prosecution witness against Mafia boss, John Gotti. After serving time in Federal prison for racketeering and multiple murders, John was released in 2012. After an accidental Fentanyl overdose that killed his daughter Chelsea, John has become an outspoken speaker, author, and podcaster, talking about the horrors of drug addiction. Also joining us is one of John’s best friends, Dr. Gentian Toshkezi, a world respected neurosurgeon to discuss the effects of drugs on the brain.

Episode 112522

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Tony Luke Jr. A very well known name in the Philadelphia area, Tony is a restaurateur, musician, song writer, actor, and media host. As a former methamphetamine abuser and hustler as a young man, Tony now, after the accidental opioid overdose of his son Anthony, is a very outspoken advocate in educating the public on the horrors of alcohol and drug addiction. Tony has an incredible story.

Episode 111822

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund are joined by friends Linda E and Marc W, “our panel,” to discuss the subject of “Giving Back.” Each one of us has the opportunity to help those still in their active addiction. We have been fortunate to get well and what a blessing it is to pass it on by doing whatever it takes, large or small gestures, to accomplish acts of support and kindness.

Episode 111122

Kensington, a section of Philadelphia that is “Ground Zero” in the United States for a community ravaged by people addicted to heroin and fentanyl, actively engaging in this horrific lifestyle, outdoors, 24 hours a day. It is indescribable what this scene looks like until you see it with your own eyes. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund talk with Teddy Brophy and Steve Lees who have dedicated their lives to helping the people in Kensington who are struggling more than anyone who can imagine.

Episode 110422

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund have an honest and open discussion about the damage that we had caused in our addiction to ourselves, family, and friends and what we have done to make amends to all. Is it merely through words of apology or do our actions really show that we are now different people after addiction? A thought provoking episode!

Episode 102122

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and co-host Mark Sigmund talk with Pennsylvania Attorney General, Josh Shapiro who is running to be the next Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He continues to be a major positive influence across the state for those suffering from the disease of addiction and for those in recovery. He cares!

Episode 101422

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler, cohost Mark Sigmund, and Linda E discuss the addiction epidemic. What are the root causes? Why is it largely an American phenomenon? Why do we, as a culture, want to escape? Do we have enough support and resources to facilitate recovery? How can we deter use and distribution of lethal drugs? At times, a spirited discussion – overall, a thought provoking program!

Episode 100722

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund talk to Pennsylvania Magisterial District Justice, Andrea Duffy. Judge Duffy is in the forefront of the judicial system as it relates to the sentencing of defendants for low level crimes as a result of addiction to drugs and alcohol. She says treatment, instead of incarceration, is the only way to fight our national epidemic of addiction. This judge understands that addiction is a disease that needs to be treated like any other chronic condition.

Episode 093022

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund ask the question, how do you know if you are just a recreational user or a full blown drug and alcohol addict? Do you know the difference? How do you know if you are being honest with yourself or fooling yourself like we all did and not dealing with the reality of our condition? These are important questions that we all must be honest with ourselves if we want to get better and live clean and sober lives. This is the first step to recovery.

Episode 092322

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler’s guest is Chuck Negron, the lead singer of the iconic band, “Three Dog Night.” With 10 top ten hits, Chuck had an incredible musical career that ended with an addiction to heroin and alcohol. Recently celebrating 31 years in recovery, Chuck is an open book, talking about the band and his life’s ups and downs – most importantly resulting in sobriety.

Episode 091622

RELAPSE! A relapse happens when a person stops maintaining his or her goal of avoiding the use of alcohol or drugs and returns to their previous use. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund discuss the reasons people decide to go back to their active addiction with Kevin Hyer of The Hyer Calling Foundation and Robyn Johnson who has managed relapses in her recovery journey. What causes someone to relapse? Is a relapse a part of the recovery process? Is it expected and accepted during your recovery or is it an excuse to use again? We attempt to answer these questions without judgement.

Episode 090922

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund discuss the word “change” as it relates to recovery. Is putting down the alcohol and drugs enough to keep us sober? Do you also need to change your circle of friends? Do you need to start to act responsibly? Do you need to show others, including your family that you can be trusted? What new traits are needed to maintain a sober and productive lifestyle?

Episode 090222

A suburban Philadelphia family ravaged by addiction was documented for over a year by a film crew and the film “Our American Family” was born. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund talk to Linda Geraghty and her son Stephen Caltabiano. Linda is the mother of two children who suffered from addiction. Stephen, her third, was not affected. The story of this family is incredibly emotional. The film “Our American Family” was released today, Friday, September 2nd.

Episode 082622

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, Host Gary Hendler assembles a recovery team and has an open discussion on all aspects of addiction and recovery – the challenges, the opportunities, and the benefits that can only be enjoyed sober.

Episode 081922

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and guests Marc and Linda have a frank and honest discussion about when is enough enough? How do you know that you have “hit bottom?” Do you know what to do? Do you know where to go? Finally, you made the decision. Now, where and how to get the help in this most crucial time of your life. It can be extremely frustrating and difficult. Listen for some valuable information.

Episode 081222

This edition of Clean and Sober Radio is dedicated to women in recovery. Women have a more difficult time getting into recovery and staying in recovery than men. There are many reasons for this including stigma, shame, and a host of other challenges. Our friends in recovery Linda and Rachael join host Gary Hendler to guide us through the the path from addiction to recovery and beyond from the perspective of women.

Episode 080522

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Ricky Byrd. Ricky is a rock and roll guitar player, singer, songwriter, and producer, best known for his incredible work as a member of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts and an inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2015. He still plays with the most famous musicians of the age, including Paul McCartney, Joe Walsh, Ringo Starr, Graham Nash and so many others. He also has another side. In long term recovery, Ricky has dedicated his life to giving back and helping others to get into recovery and stay in recovery. Currently, he is involved with an organization called “All Sober.” This organization provides support for everything needed for treatment, recovery, and obtaining a sober life all in one place.

Episode 072222

On this episode of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund talk about the rewards of working, not just the financial ones, but more importantly how working gives us self worth and dignity. Our guest, attorney Kevin Hyer, a former Methamphetamine user, talks about his journey from intense addiction to recovery and his new-found mission “The Hyer Calling” which gives our community the tools to secure work at NO cost.

Episode 071522

Many in the recovery community, after getting treatment, can be in a very scary situation. We have either never had a legitimate or legal job or we have been fired so many times because of our addition. Now we realize because we are becoming responsible, that we need a job. Financially, of course, but for our own growth and to feel good about ourselves, we need structure. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Douglas Kiker the co-founder of “ecoveryCareers”. He discusses all aspects of breaking through the stigma and the value those in recovery can provide to an employer.

Episode 070122

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund talk with friends in recovery, Mark Willig and John Logue who relate their stories of experience, strength, and hope. They discuss the temptations of a holiday weekend and what to avoid while having fun.

Episode 062422

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund talk to a mother and son who have both had their addiction issues, but have found strength in sobriety together. Mother and son, Linda and Ben have both struggled with addiction. We talk with them about a their relationship and support of each other in their recovery.

Episode 061022

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio our guest was to be Paul Teutul, reality show star and creator of the hit show Orange County Choppers. But due to some technical issues we were not able to talk to Paul. Stay tuned for an upcoming interview with him. So we carried on and shared some valuable time talking about recovery and the rewards of sobriety.

Episode 060322

Like many of us during our active addiction, the subject of credit and the consequences of poor credit was obviously not understood or necessarily a priority. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund discuss credit, good or bad, and its importance in our everyday lives. Your credit score is determined on how well you pay your bills. The importance of a good credit score and the ramifications of what a bad credit score will mean will determine your purchasing power. This is important everyday information.

Episode 052722

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Garry Hendler and guest co-host Mark Willig chat with friend of the show, Randy Lerch. If you are a baseball fan, you know the name. Randy was a Major League Baseball pitcher with the Philadelphia Phillies, the Milwaukee Brewers, the Montreal Expos and the San Francisco Giants. With all of his success on the field came an addiction to amphetamines and alcohol. None of us are immune to an addiction whether we are famous or not.

Episode 052022

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Mark Sigmund talk with Sarah Laurel, the Executive Director of Savage Sisters, a non-profit organization whose mission is to attack addiction ferociously with radical love through tireless work to promote love, safeness, acceptance, and most importantly resources that will promote healing and empower the recovery community. Sarah is giving back from her own life of addiction and homelessness.

Episode 051322

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund have an open discussion about the challenges of recovery, the stigma of addition, and the freedoms and rewards of sobriety.

Episode 050622

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, we turn the tables on host Gary Hendler. Laurie Besden Esquire, Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania interviews Gary in celebration of his 40 years in recovery. No question is off limits in discussing Gary’s sordid past and his life in recovery. Our past is our past. It is what we do in recovery that matters most.

Episode 042922

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and co-host Mark Sigmund provide Friday afternoon comfort food. Our scheduled guest Bonnie Bramlett, known as half of the Southern rock duo Delaney and Bonnie, for some unknown reason, did not appear as scheduled. Not to be discouraged, Gary and Mark carry on with an open discussion about coping with addiction, recovery, and sobriety in today’s society which can present some formidable challenges – such as the legalization of pot across the nation. Gary and Mark provide a wonderful hour of comfort and compassion for anyone needing a boost in their journey of sobriety.

Episode 042222

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and guest co-host Mark Willig’s guest is Pennsylvania Executive Deputy Attorney General, Robert Reed. Robert is a supporter of the recovery community and an advocate for treatment for substance abuse and not incarceration. Robert speaks throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on the long-term effects of trauma as it relates to addiction.

Episode 041522

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler’s guest is Pennsylvania Magisterial District Judge, Christopher R. Mattox. Judge Mattox understands addiction and all of the issues that come with a defendant charged with criminal activities in his courtroom. District Court may be the first encounter with the legal system after an arrest and it is important to understand your rights and the legal system.

Episode 040822

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund break it down. The precursors of addiction are many and complex. We break down some of the major issues which underlie addiction and must be confronted as keys to successful recovery.

Episode 040122

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Rabbi Michael Perice. Michael is a Rabbi in recovery from anvopioid addiction. We discuss his addiction and path to recovery. As we all know, addiction has no boundaries. Whether you are a doctor, a lawyer, a Priest or a Rabbi, none of us are immune to the possibility of being an addict or an alcoholic or both.

Episode 032522

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Montgomery County Pennsylvania Common Pleas Court Judge, Todd Eisenberg. We discuss the shift in attitude that the courts have in dealing with addicted defendants. Incarceration is no longer the solution in many cases but treatment is. We learn a lot on how this judge makes his sentencing decisions in these kinds of cases.

Episode 031822

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Sara Colvin. Sara is a woman who has overcome extreme obstacles growing up to become an author, a mother, and a symbol of hope and strength in the recovery community. Her story is both amazing and powerful.

Episode 031122

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, without condoning bad behavior, we have some fun remembering and reminiscing with our guests some of the awful, irresponsible, and criminal behaviors that became a way of life for us during our addiction. Sitting in the studio with friends celebrating over a combined 100 years of sobriety, we try to make sense of what was going on in our out of control lives that made us do the things we did. Yes, addiction is horrible but there are some funny moments and in this show we will attempt to recapture some of them.

Episode 030422

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund have an open discussion with friends of the show Linda E and Larry M about the “12 Steps” and our individual journeys from addiction to recovery – step by step.

Episode 022522

Addiction has no boundaries. It crosses all economic, religious, ethnic, and racial lines. On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is be David L., who was raised in what could be considered a well-to-do “stable” family, but as we all know, that doesn’t prevent an addiction or criminal behavior. With years of addiction and legal troubles, David is extremely fortunate to have found recovery. His story is a familiar one. Now in very long-term recovery, David shares his experience, strength, and hope.

Episode 021122

This edition of Clean and Sober Radio focuses on the role that American pharmaceutical companies have played in the distribution and destruction of segments of American society by knowingly flooding us with highly addictive drugs such as oxycontin and others. Host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guests are Bill Stauffer, Director of the Pennsylvania Recovery Organization Alliance and Ryan Hampton, a prominent speaker, author and media commentator – recently appointed member by the U.S. Department of Justice – overseeing the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy, representing victims impacted by the opioid crisis.

Episode 020422

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Sara Colvin. Sara was in long-term recovery and relapsed back into an ugly addiction, committing multiple crimes to feed her habit. She ended up being charged with 15 major felonies and a prison term. Sara has made it back into recovery and with 4 years clean and sober, she is enthusiastic about sharing hope with those still suffering from addiction.

Episode 012822

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is Mark Stein, the founder, lead vocalist, composer and arranger for the psychedelic rock band, Vanilla Fudge. This iconic band of the late 1960’s had many hit records, most notably the slowed down hard rock version of The Supremes “You Keep Me Hangin’ On.” But with a lifestyle brought on by enormous success, came an enormous addiction. Today, Mark is touring with Vanilla Fudge and is living a sober life.

Episode 012122

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund’s guest is criminal defense attorney and expert in the field of driving under the influence and driving while intoxicated cases, Zachary B. Cooper. He tells us about the seriousness and possible life changing consequences of driving while drunk or stoned. This is no joke!

Episode 011422

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio host Gary Hendler and cohost Mark Sigmund address the questions many struggle with: How do I get treatment? Can anyone who wants help, get it? How does someone find an appropriate path to recovery? Very often, it is hard to find treatment and it can be very discouraging. Treatment and the willingness to accept treatment is the key to recovery from an addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Episode 010722

On this edition of Clean and Sober Radio, Gary and Mark’s guest is former Philadelphia Phillies Pitcher Randy Lerch. Not long after the Phillies won the 1980 World Series, the team was consumed in a scandal involving amphetamines. Randy’s life began to fall apart fast. In 2016, Randy was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver caused by drug and alcohol abuse. Today, Randy is clean and sober and giving back to the community in so many ways.