We have another great show scheduled for broadcast this Friday! Mark and I will be interviewing former Philadelphia Phillies Pitcher Randy Lerch. Not long after the Phillies won the 1980 World Series, the team was enmeshed in a scandal involving amphetamines. Randy’s life began to fall apart. In 2016,...
Articles from June 2021
Friday’s Show; How Did Addiction Affect Us?
We have another great show scheduled for broadcast this Friday! Mark and I will be interviewing each other with questions related to our addiction and recovery, including but not limited to relationships (past and present) with family and friends.Watch us on Facebook on our page “Clean and Sober Radio”...
Friday’s Show; Legends in Recovery.. Mark Schor and Bill Stauffer!
We have another great show scheduled for broadcast this Friday!Mark and I will be interviewing Mark Schor, Vice President of Operations at Acadia Health Care, and Bill Stauffer, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Recovery Organization Alliance. Both Mark and Bill are in long-term recovery, and both have dedicated their...