Does anyone really know what causes addiction? Our guest on our next broadcast is Dr. Charles Trigiani, a Board Certified Psychiatrist. Dr. Trigiani has decades of experience focusing on addiction and brain chemistry and will be able to enlighten us in the science and logic of addiction. Tune in...
Articles from May 2023
Friday’s Show; Founder of “Gary Lewis and the Playboys: Gary Lewis!
Our guest on our next broadcast will be Gary Lewis, son of comedian Jerry Lewis and founder of the extremely successful Rock n Roll band “Gary Lewis and the Playboys.” We all know that no family is perfect and often what a family appears to be, is not always...
Friday’s Show; Getting Through Adversity in Recovery!
The crew is back and ready to give our audience some more fabulous, informative, entertaining and thought provoking shows. Adversities and setbacks actually occur even in recovery. We all know that……but it is how we handle situations that don’t go our way is the test. Hopefully, we handle these...
Friday’s Show; John Alite.. From Mafia Hitman to Recovery!
Our next show will be a Rebroadcast and then starting on May 12 the whole crew will be back and live in the studio. So, for our next broadcast we thought that we would run one of the most interesting and powerful shows ever. If you missed the original show, do not miss...