Our guest on FRIDAY’S show is Pete Smith. He is running for a Philadelphia Council Seat in District 6, and has extensive experience in the world of addiction and recovery. If elected, Smith plans to create a panel of experts to advise city council on how to better deal with Philadelphia’s opioid crisis, and also to secure additional funding for additional drug and alcohol treatment. Smith also favors stronger penalties for dealers, and more resources for local police departments to fight the drug problem, which has devastated neighborhoods across the city. Listen tomorrow, and call into ask the questions, as we interview Smith about his plans to change the tide, when it comes to fighting addiction in Philadelphia. Also, resident “sober guy” David Sussman, will also be in the studio. Listen tomorrow, Friday, at 3 PM (EDT) on Talk 860 WWDB-AM!
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Clean and Sober Radio is underwritten by Recovery Centers of America