Nolen Burchett will be our guest Friday on Clean and Sober Radio, and man does he have a story to tell! In June 2013, Burchett, an otherwise model citizen, robbed three California banks over a one-month period to fund his spiraling opiate addiction. He was finally apprehended after a high-speed chase, which resulted in Burchett being shot by two deputies. Burchett spent over 5 years in a California state prison for his crime. Now free and in recovery, Burchett works for Northbound Treatment Service, and carries a strong message of recovery This will be a fascinating show! Call in Live at 1-888-329-3306. Listen tomorrow, Friday, at 3 PM (EDT) on Talk 860 WWDB-AM. Clean and Sober Radio is underwritten by Recovery Centers of America, Thomas Jefferson University, and Jefferson Health, along with Acadia Healthcare. Hosted by Gary Hendler and Co-hosted by Mark Sigmund