Our guest on tomorrow’s Clean and Sober Radio Show is William Stauffer. He is the executive director of the Pennsylvania Recovery Organization, Alliance (PRO-A). Founded in 1998, PRO-A’s mission is to eliminate stigma and discrimination towards those affected by drug and alcohol addiction. In addition, they also try to ensure health and justice. PRO-A both educates and advocates, giving hope to individuals and families through-out our community. This is what it is all about, isn’t it? Listen tomorrow, Friday, at 3 PM (ET) on Talk 860 WWDB-AM!
Join the discussion at 1-888-329-3306. Clean and Sober Radio is underwritten by Rehab After Work, Recovery Centers of America, Bowling Green Brandywine, Belmont Behavioral Hospital, Malvern Institute, White Deer Run, and Huntington Creek Recovery Center, and Livengrin Foundation Hosted by Gary Hendler