Friday’s Show; Support Group Format and Former Phillies Pitcher Randy Lerch!

To all of our viewers and listeners. Once again, we have decided to tomorrow’s program, and possibly future shows, to having a support group format. At Clean and Sober Radio, we know many people are struggling, especially since most in-person meetings have temporarily closed their doors. We will have an open discussion, as you would in an AA or NA meeting, but live on the radio. Let us know how you are keeping your sobriety, the feelings you are having, along with the trials and tribulations you are overcoming. Also, former Phillies Pitcher Randy Lerch will be on the program. He will be discussing his new podcast, which is broadcast on Saturday nights. You can call-in and participate, or just listen and watch. Just remember, this too shall pass! Call in Live at 1-888-329-3306. Listen tomorrow, Friday, at 3 PM (EDT) on Talk 860 WWDB-AM 
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Our show is Re-broadcasted Sunday at 10 AM (EST) on ESPN Sports 610, and Tuesday at 6 PM on WWDB-AM 860
Clean and Sober Radio is underwritten by Recovery Centers of America, Thomas Jefferson University, and Jefferson Health, along with Acadia Healthcare. Hosted by Gary Hendler and Co-hosted by Mark Sigmund