Friday’s Show; Hitting Bottom

How did you know that you had “hit bottom?” Did you know what to do? Did you know where to go? Finally, you made the decision. Now, where and how to get the help in this most crucial time of your life can be extremely frustrating and difficult. We will be discussing all aspects...

Friday’s Show; Women in Recovery!

This Friday’s show will be dedicated to women in recovery. Women have a more difficult time getting into recovery and staying in recovery than men. There are many reasons for this including, but not limited to stigma, shame and a host of other reasons. I will have all women in the studio to discuss...

Friday’s Show; Addiction in the Family

We have a fabulous show scheduled for Friday. A mother and son who were in their addictions together will talk about a most unusual relationship that any family could endure. Just imagine what went on in this dysfunctional environment. Now both are in recovery and doing fabulous things. You...