Our guest tomorrow on Clean and Sober Radio is Montgomery County Magisterial Judge Andrea Duffy. Judge Duffy witnesses the negative effects of addiction in her courtroom every day, and is doing something about it. She advocates for eligible drug defendants who stand before in court, to get them into treatment. Judge Duffy is the founder of D.A.R.A. (Drug Addiction Resource Alliance), which provides support services to those afflicted by substance abuse, along with education, and further support for their families. Judge Duffy is truly a leader in the noble mission to help sick and suffering addicts across our region. This will be a great show! Listen Friday at 3 PM (ET) on Talk 860 WWDB-AM!
Join the conversation at 1-888-329-3306. Clean and Sober Radio is underwritten by: Recovery Centers Of America, and Livengrin Foundation
Hosted by Gary Hendler