Our guests on tomorrow’s (Friday) edition of Clean and Sober Radio will be Randy Trauger and Peg Harrington from the newly opened Brookdale Recovery Center in Monroe County Pennsylvania. Brookdale Resort near Tannersville was once a place where people came to relax on vacation. But now, the place in Pocono Township has been transformed into a safe haven for people struggling with addiction. Their program includes multiple treatments designed to heal trauma and give clients the tools, structure and supportive experiences to replace destructive thoughts, behaviors and patterns with healthy, positive ones. We will learn all about this facility and discuss the latest evidence-based practices in addiction treatment. Listen tomorrow (Friday)at 3 PM (EDT) on Talk 860 WWDB-AM!
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Clean and Sober Radio is underwritten by Recovery Centers of America, Thomas Jefferson University, and Jefferson Health. Hosted by Gary Hendler and Co-hosted by Mark Sigmund