Friday’s Show; From a Low Bottom to Helping Others.. Zachary Miers tells his Story!

In our active addiction and new in recovery, I think we all had low self esteem and a feeling of uselessness and no real purpose. As we adjusted to being in recovery, we started to realize that we have purpose and we can do good things…………….all it really took was to put down the booze and the drugs. Our guest on our next broadcast can attest to that. Zachary Miers has been through hell but did not give up and instead worked hard and became a clinical counselor. By helping others , Zach is giving back. Listen to find out how he reached his goal and found purpose.

You can call in at 1-888-728-9941, or just listen to us live on Philadelphia radio station WWDB-AM 860 and WPEN 97.5 FM HD2 at 3(EST) on Friday at 3. You can check us out from any location on our website To watch the live show, go to Facebook and our page, Clean and Sober Radio, Fridays at 3 EST.

In addition to Philadelphia, our show can now be heard on:

Tampa Florida radio station WNBR-AM on Saturday’s at 10 am

Augusta Georgia radio station WGAC-AM 580 Sunday’s at 11pm.

Clean and Sober Broadcasting is underwritten by Jefferson Health and Gaudenzia Addiction Treatment and Recovery Services..Hosted by Gary Hendler and co-hosted with Mark Sigmund.

We appreciate all of the support that we receive from our viewing and listening audience and most importantly remember, there is help out there!