COPS ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM DRUG AND ALCOHOL AB– USE and ADDICTION. On today’s broadcast of Clean and Sober Radio, John Becker, a former Detective Sergeant at the Hatboro (PA) Police Department, will be on the program. As a 17 year police veteran, Becker began abusing pain medication after an injury. His addiction progressed and in desperation, he stole guns, money, and drugs out of the police department evidence room, only to get busted himself, and face jail time. He will tell an incredible story of both being caught in the death spiral of addiction, and achieving redemption in recovery. Becker, who now has long-term sobriety, has helped countless addicts find recovery.
John Becker is the Director of First Responder Services, which is based in Eatontown, New Jersey. The program offers many services for First Responders including excellent treatments for trauma. Check out http://www.frontlinerehab.com